Both the ethical implications of the research published at the AutoML Conference as well as its accessibility to everyone are key concerns that should be addressed by every member of its community: authors, reviewers as well as conference attendees.

We break down our guidelines into three parts to make it easier for you to find exactly the topic most relevant to you at any point in time:

  1. The first part of these guidelines discusses how and why we review papers with regards to their real-world impact as well as provides guidance on how to integrate such discussions into the submissions themselves. Reviewers should base their ethics review on the criteria we present here. Violations of these guidelines may lead to paper rejections, so we encourage all authors to read them before submitting to the conference. This section is based on the NeurIPS ethics guidelines.
  2. We expect authors to make their papers as accessible as possible so that both reviewers and readers can enjoy them to the fullest. Therefore in our accessibility guidelines we provide a list of accessibility measures that reviewers are encouraged to evaluate in the submitted papers and suggest improvements to. Beyond the submission, there is also information on how to create inclusive and accessible presentations and posters, so that the audience will have the best possible experience. This section is based on the ICML guidelines for accessible and inclusive papers, talks and posters.
  3. When attending the conference, we expect every attendee to feel safe and comfortable at the venue itself. In this third part, our code of conduct outlines what kind of behavior we expect during the conference and who you should contact in case of a violation.

For any issues or questions relating to these documents, please contact out DEI chairs.