The AutoML conference has successfully hosted contributed tutorials in the first two editions and we will continue this well-received track for the 3rd edition. We invite proposals for tutorials, to be held on both the first day of the main conference (September 10th, 2024) and the industry day immediately preceding the main conference (September 9th, 2024). Proposals will be reviewed by the tutorial chair, and a final decision on which tutorials will be presented at the conference will be made in close consultation with the program chairs. We will decide on the number of tutorials based on the number of submissions and the rest of the conference program (e.g., invited talks, other program items).


Main Conference Tutorials

Tutorials on the first day of the main conference should provide an accessible overview of recent trends, emerging topics, and future challenges, possibly including a hands-on session, and of course, should be related to AutoML. We specifically ask the presenters to not focus on their own work but to provide an overview of the field as a whole. The corresponding slots are 1.5 hours long, including discussion. Speakers should aim to speak no more than 75 minutes, leaving 15 minutes for questions/discussion.

Industry Day Tutorials

Tutorials on the industry day should be hands-on sessions on tools or frameworks that are within the scope of the conference (see the Call for Papers for a list of topics that are certainly within the scope). They should be aimed at industry users or industry researchers, or demonstrate industry use cases of AutoML to the academic audience. The duration of the sessions is 60 minutes, including discussion. Speakers should aim to speak no more than 50 minutes, leaving 10 minutes for questions/discussion.


See here for all deadlines.


The proposal should provide the following information:

  • Title
  • A “tl;dr” two-sentence summary
  • An abstract (max 200 words) [1 paragraph]
  • Is this tutorial intended for the main conference or the industry day? [checkbox]
  • Motivation for the tutorial (Why is this relevant and important to the attendees of the AutoML conference?) [1 paragraph]
  • Outline of the tutorial [2 paragraphs + tentative syllabus]
  • Target audience and required background (Who is most likely going to attend this tutorial? What is the required background for this tutorial?) [1 paragraph]
  • Short CV of the presenter(s), including past experience with tutorials and/or teaching, literature references showing the expertise in the proposed topic, email address(es) and photos for the website [1 paragraph for each presenter]

We provide a template for the proposal below. Pictures of the authors need to be uploaded in a Zip file as supplementary material.

Proposals can be submitted via OpenReview.

Additional Information

  • The tutorial sessions are organized by the tutorial chair Matthias Feurer.
  • By submitting a tutorial, all speakers agree to give an in-person presentation in Paris.
  • Submitting a tutorial proposal does not guarantee a tutorial presentation slot. The applications will be reviewed and a subset of the proposals will be given the chance to present the tutorial at the conference in Paris.